You might be surprised but it makes a difference. Some people try laying their belt flat on a table and then force the bullets into the loops. The preferred method, and one that won't make you mad because you think your bullet loops are too darn tight, is to put on your gun belt before you add your ammo. That way the natural bend around your body is already there for you and its easy to slide your cartridges in the loops.
If you are the kind of guy that likes things laid out ahead of you then just let the gun belt bend as you add your ammunition to each loop. We know...seems so simple but really, if you have been laying your belt flat to load your bullets you will thank us for this little tidbit. And, you are welcome ;)
Today we explore the definition of "custom", particularly as it relates to custom holsters and gun belts that are hand made by one person using only hand tools and a sewing machine. No clickers, no dye cut pressed patterns, no machines stamping out generic holsters like a dime a dozen, no embossing, no cheap or old imported leather, no other hand touches it but the Maker. It makes a difference.
Custom Holster Dictionary
Custom (adjective)
always used before a noun like in the word holster or gun belt
chiefly USA
1: made to fit the needs or requirements of a particular person
▪ custom holster▪ I am going to get a nice custom made leather holster for my Single Action Army Colt .45, 5-1/2” revolver. It will fit me and my gun like a glove.▪ custom holster patterns▪ custom holsters[=custom-made holsters] gun belts▪ a custom [=custom-built] A custom gun belt is made to fit me and the guns I carry in the caliber I shoot.
2: doing work that fits the needs or requirements of a particular person
▪ a custom holster maker▪ a custom gunleather shop
My new custom holsters are made by Maker Brett Park. He makes custom holsters in his gunleather shop for people all over the world.
Gun Belts and Holsters On the Bench
A1 Quickdraw Echo with Antiqued Silverberry Conchos and Western Floral Buckle
FACEBOOK Bench Photos. Like us while your there and share us with your pards. We appreciate it.
Q & AWho really makes custom holsters? Its so confusing online.
Answer: If you like western style holsters there are a handful that you should check out. Obviously, we think Circle KB holsters made exclusively by Maker Brett Park are among the highest quality, best fitting western style holsters in the industry. Not to say there aren't other good makers out there, but, Brett is one of the best.
If you like fully carved outfits check out We really like her style and artistry, and its purdy.
See more holster and gun belt Makers at our page devoted strictly to Custom Holster Makers and high quality providers at Holster Makers Junction.
Posts coming up sooner or later...
Darn glad Spring is Here
Getting Lost and Found in the Woods with No One Else Knowing
Why Cowboy Action Shoot when I only want to play with my guns and horses in the woods?
Range Manners - Never having to say I'm sorry.
What is Cowboy Fast Draw? Does it take a whole different set up?
Got a Horse and Like to Shoot?
The Western Shooting Horse - Big Dollars for Well Trained Athletes
Enjoying the Great Outdoors
Monday, February 25, 2013
Circle KB is entering our 15th year of providing people across the world well made, hand crafted gun belts and holsters and western cowboy memorabilia. As we enter this year we are looking forward to the people we will meet and serve.
When we started Circle KB we were younger but not any more eager to do a good job. That I believe has been the secret to our success. We are not a big business in today's' standards but we are a good business. We are committed to listening to our customers, doing things efficiently, and we care about how much you like our products and service. Our goal is to do a good job for each person, every day.
We have grown our business answering questions, finding good products and bringing them to the market. Not everything we do has been a huge success. But, what we like to do most has. We enjoy helping people keep the cowboy and western frontier spirit alive in their homes and lifestyles. It is our pleasure to talk to people from all over the world. We are most grateful for the opportunities we have had to serve our over 20,000 orders to date.